Honey bees are dying off at an alarming rate. No single reason has been discovered for these tragic bee losses. There are many possible causes, like loss of habitat, toxic pesticides or deadly parasites; however, scientists are struggling to finance all the research needed to find a cure. To help protect honey bees, GloryBee has created SAVE the BEE Clover Blossom Honey, which donates 10% of all sales to fund critical bee research. This innovative product gives lovers of bees and honey an opportunity to make a difference in the life-or-death struggle honey bees are facing.
“Since our early days, we’ve been focused on bee health as core to our business and community,” says Alan Turanski, president of GloryBee and an avid beekeeper. “Our dream is to give everyone the ability to care for our planet. SAVE the BEE Honey empowers people with the ability to protect our pollinators. Even if you don’t have time to become an activist, you can still take action by purchasing this amazing honey.”
A picture is worth a thousand words—and 25¢
GloryBee invites you to join us in the battle to SAVE the BEE. From now until September 30, GloryBee will donate 25 cents when you post a photo of a bee, honey, or food pollinated by a bee and tag with #SaveTheBee on Instagram! Based on the number of pictures posted and tagged, GloryBee will donate up to $10,000. One entry per Instagram account is allowed per day. Grab your camera phone, share your pictures and start making a difference! The best photos will be featured on SaveTheBee.org.
GloryBee’s mission to save honey bees began in 2012 when they introduced their SAVE the BEE social initiative. By donating proceeds from sales of their honey and beekeeping products, GloryBee is able to directly impact organizations dedicated to saving honey bees. Find out more ways to take action at SaveTheBee.org.