Bee Weekend Roundup

GloryBee would like to thank the local community for making Bee Weekend 2014 a huge success!

We had a great time talking with local beekeeping veterans as well as all of the new recruits! Whether you started beekeeping for the honey, the pollination, or just as a hobby, it was nice to meet everybody and share our love of beekeeping.

If you have any questions regarding your bees, the book Beekeeping 101 is a great resource. Our store has a selection of informative books that will help answer most any question. If you need some immediate help, the Lane County Beekeepers Association is a superb resource that you should utilize. Also if you’re not a member, now is a great time to join.

Finally, if you missed out on packaged bees this season, call our sales department at 1-800-456-7923 to reserve a spot for 2015.

Bee Weekend 2014 Statistics:
Number of Honey Bee Attendees: About 8,000,000

Number of Queen Bee Attendees: 868

Number of Human Attendees: Nearly 1,500

Number of Hive Installation Demos: 7

Ounces of Honey Sampled: 1,980

Thank you again for making Bee Weekend a huge success. We'll see you in 2015!